Wednesday 9 July 2008

Union misses a trick online: surprised?

Next week over a million UNISON members will be on strike. It's about a low pay offer, the rising cost of living and the - still - low pay of many people working in the public sector.

So what is UNISON's suggestion about how you can support them online?
Add your support for the strike to Google Earth
I'm not kidding.
Spread the word among your members and get them to ask a friend, relative, or workmate to pin their support on Google Earth.
As a UNISON member I'm annoyed. No banner I can stick on my blog. No petition I can sign + link to. No video I can help go viral.

None of the tried'n'tested basics for online campaigning.

It's irrelevant, disconnected and - laughably - useless.

1 comment:

  1. Surprised?

    No, not really. 'Nuff said?

    Where is the bottom up union 2.0 movement?
