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Friday 25 January 2008

Blogger's Favourite Movies

Tidying my profile link and then the profile, I noticed I could click on movies I'd favourited. This gave me the top ten of popularity, amongst Blogger users of these movies.

Clicking through was an exercise in revelation as some were far more well-known than I thought and others had interesting, not always predictable, fans.

Not in order of addition, some movies I could watch over and overI also investigated clips and found out just how enormous the YouTube archive is getting, though not every thing's there and not every scene I'd pick.

A couple of scenes from Tarkovsky's "Mirror"

Storica introduzione di "Manhattan", film che più di ogni altro può essere considerato capolavoro della poetica del grande regista Woody Allen. Scritto da Allen e da Marshall Brickman, accompagnato dalla storica colonna sonora di George Gershwin.

Trailer for Amarcord directed by Federico Fellini

Just going wider to Google Video Search brings up more gems.

La Dolce Vita
Anita Eckberg e Marcello Matroianni nella celebre scena della Fontana di Trevi, dal film "La dolce vita" di Fellini

Peroni's beautiful and stylish portrayal of Fellini's 1960s Italian classic La Dolce Vita. This advertisement is the colour version of Peroni's stunning La Dolce Vita commercial — a great pastiche of the opening scene but I couldn't find the original :{

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